I've been very bad the last 2 weeks and have fallen down on the job of keeping the story going. I hope I haven't lost your interest? It has been as a result of technology failure (laptop won't handle video editing whilst away on trips anymore) and the need to spend some time with my family (no laptop allowed, as I've been away on trips so much!). The video above covers the second half of day 1.

After the first water stop, we had a really pleasant ride. We didn't stretch ourselves too much and all made it safely to lunch. We stopped at the Wagon and Horses in Twyford, Berkshire for soup and sandwiches and a large drink. We re-applied the suntan cream and off we went for the third sector.
After the first water stop, we had a really pleasant ride. We didn't stretch ourselves too much and all made it safely to lunch. We stopped at the Wagon and Horses in Twyford, Berkshire for soup and sandwiches and a large drink. We re-applied the suntan cream and off we went for the third sector.

We were obviously feeling pretty good after lunch as we all stretched our legs and pushed pretty hard for the full 13 miles. It was, by far, the fastest section of the whole Big Boss Bike Ride. I would even have to admit to a bit of racing - it's a boy thing! The picture above is of me and Anthony, who had the exact same bike as me (the higher model actually) and knew how to use it!

We're at about 35 miles when these pictures were taken....

Notice I'm still smiling! Or is that grimacing?
We all had to make it to the Crown Hotel in Chertsey, Surrey following the last water stop. We got a bit spread out and I missed one of the signs (arrows directing us where to go next) and ended up in the middle of town with no idea where the hotel was, or even what it was called! Michael, you really should pay attention! So, I had to double back and retrace my steps, or is that retrace my rotations? As if 52 miles wasn't far enough!

At dinner that night, one of the Big Bosses told his personal story about his little girl who has suffered from multiple health problems since she was born and how they have relied on Chase, one of the 41 children's hospices, and Great Ormond Street Hospital for support and care for Daisy, for their other kids and for themselves. I was very moved by that families' story, as was everyone else in the room. It brought home to all of us why we were there doing the ride. These hospices do such fantastic work. They never seem to tire and are always there for the families they support. That is where your money is going and, take it from me, it is money well spent!
At dinner that night, one of the Big Bosses told his personal story about his little girl who has suffered from multiple health problems since she was born and how they have relied on Chase, one of the 41 children's hospices, and Great Ormond Street Hospital for support and care for Daisy, for their other kids and for themselves. I was very moved by that families' story, as was everyone else in the room. It brought home to all of us why we were there doing the ride. These hospices do such fantastic work. They never seem to tire and are always there for the families they support. That is where your money is going and, take it from me, it is money well spent!